The sections below contain further cases for manual assessment.
Preparing an Assessment of a
measurement (Observation, QuestionnaireResponse or Media)
Add the following to the ClinicalImpression resource being prepared as described above:
which shall be set as a reference to the CarePlan that references the measurement’s ServiceRequestinvestigation.item
which shall be set to both a versioned and version-less (see info-box below) reference to the measurement (Observation and QuestionnaireResponse)investigation.ehealth-clinicalimpression-mediaInvestigationItem
which shall be set to both a versioned and version-less (see info-box below) reference to the Media, when a Media is assessed
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Versioned and version-less referencing from ClinicalImpression The versioned reference is required to eliminate ambiguity as to what content the ClinicalImpression has assessment for. An example versioned reference is:
The version number to use is taken from the resource’s .meta/versionId. Note that <base> is a substitution and that, in reality, it would reflect the eHealth environment in use. The version-less reference is required to enable searching for the resource reference without having to know which version is referenced. An example version-less reference is:
which shall be set as a reference to the ClinicalImpression being assessedinvestigation.item
which shall be set to the same value as in theprevious