Latest profile of Task:
Example endpoint to the eHealth stub:$test-only-create (POST only)
When a is created for resolving a missing measurement, a corresponding ClinicalImpression will not be available.
When a Task is created by the Processing Service, it is in status "readyrequested". When the Task is accepted by a Practitioner, it must be changed to status "accepted" (see owner)
Is set to "orderplan" from the Processing Service
The rules for the ActivityDefinition/ServiceRequest decides a priority statically, since there is no measurement to triage.
A missing weight Observation might be less important than a missing blood pressure Observation.
Is set to "routine"
The text description of what needs to be done.
Is not present since a measurement has not been received and therefore there is no ClinicalImpression.a reference to the ServiceRequest containting the measurement regime
The Practitioner that has accepted the Task (see status)
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{ "resourceType": "BundleTask", "typeid": "transaction3712", "entrymeta": [ { "fullUrlversionId": "Task1", "resourcelastUpdated": { "2022-06-28T01:30:38.956+00:00", "resourceTypeprofile": "Task",[""] }, "metaextension": { [{ "profileurl": [ "", "valueReference": { ] }, "extension": ["reference": "" } { }, { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "MissingMeasurementResolving", } "display": "Need resolving of why scheduled measurement has not been submitted" ] } } ] }, { }, { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "valueReference "coding": [{ "referencesystem": ""cs/restriction-category", } "code": "measurement-monitoring", } "display": "Monitoring of measurement(s)" ], "language": "da", } "status": "ready",] } "intent": "order", }, { "priorityurl": "routine",", "ownervalueReference": { "reference": "http" } }, }, { "descriptionurl": "Der er manglende målinger i henhold til måleregimet.", "contextvalueReference": { "reference": "http" } } }], "status": "requested", "requestintent": {"plan", "priority": "routine", "methoddescription": "POST"Forventede 1 målinger, men fandt 0 i perioden fra Mon Jun 27 00:00:00 GMT 2022 til Tue Jun "url": "Task"28 00:00:00 GMT 2022", "focus": { } "reference": "" }, ] "authoredOn": "2022-06-28T01:30:38+00:00" } |