Excerpt |
The eHealth Infrastructure performs the import of organizations information from Sundhedsvæsnets Organisationsregister (SOR) and KOMBIT Fælleskommunalt (FK) Organisation (formerly Støttesystemet Organisation (STS-ORG)) to the eHealth Infrastructure daily. During the import new or updated information in SOR and FK Organisation is updated in the eHealth Infrastructure. |
ehealth-organization element | Source from SOR | Description |
| N/A | Generated by FHIR server |
| N/A | Generated by FHIR server |
| N/A | |
| N/A | |
| N/A | |
| N/A | |
| N/A | |
| N/A | |
| Always set to | |
| N/A | |
| always set to | |
| The SOR identifier is stored in eHealth Infrastructure |
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| N/A | |
| Computed based on | Set to true when: sor1:ToDate is not set or is in the future and sor1:FirstFromDate is not a future date. Set to false when sor1:ToDate is in the past or sor1:FirstFromDate is a future date. We will be using FirstFromDate as this is the flag used in SOR to set organizations active - FromDate is set when other data on the organization changes. |
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| Concatenation of | Example: For SorIdentifier=914571000016002 with the name "KOL Klinik" the constructed alias will be: "Region Midtjylland, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Lungesygdomme, Lungesygdomme Klinik, KOL Klinik" |
| If the SOR organization has a CVR number, it is stored. Only if available on the current SOR entity. (no inheritance) |
| Always set to SOR. See Organization Source - eHealth Infrastructure v3.0.0 (sundhed.dk) | |
| Calculated from | Relationships defining the organization trees are reflected in the FHIR id for the parent organization according to the SOR hierarchy. |
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| Code calculated from
| Stored as ContactPoints See https://hl7.org/fhir/R4/valueset-contact-point-system.html If not present on the current element the VirtualAddressInformation are is inherited from the SOR parent. |
| Two addresses will be stored in FHIR.
And either an
Then a prioritized select of http://filer.sst.dk/sor/docs/sorxml/v_2_0_0/SorXmlDocumentationV2.html describes the inheritance of addresses in the SOR structure (translated to englishEnglish):
After applying the inheritance logic the values are copied to the FHIR model. Ie. addresses are not left blank in the FHIR model. |
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| Either an a | |
| N/A | Not created during import. |
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| Translates to the danish Danish 'Ydernummer' |
If the SOR code is available in the FK Organisation, the Municipalities FK Organisation administrator registers the SOR kode in the FK Organisation system (as address of type SOR ID), and the FUT infrastructure will automatically create the relationship during import.
The Systematics AO team establishes the relationship from MS Excel files provided by the customer
The customer provides organisation relationship file(s) containing mappings between KOMBIT STS Organization identifiers and SOR identifiers. The Systematic operation team will make the eHealth then process the file line-by-line and establish the relevant related-to relationships in the FHIR Organization resources.