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Searching measurements with $search-measurements-bundle-limitPOST $search-measurement request body: Parameters available:
Combinations allow for:
Response: The response is a bundle of nested bundles that each contain a full set of related resources (Observation, Media, QuestionnaireResponse and Provenance) for a found measurement. If a QuestionnaireResponse is part of a bundle the Questionnaire it answers is also included in the bundle. Related resources are the set of resources created by a single invocation of the submit-measurement operation. The amount of nested bundles is limited by the given count parameter.
Examples:Below example is from here: http://ehealth-documentation.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/latest/ig/POST_search-measurements.html#post-search-measurements Like the $search-measurements operation, the $search-measurements-bundle-limit operation is also a POST request to the URL:
The search parameters are sent by including them in the request body (below is a JSON example of a body):
The response will then contain a bundle of bundles with the found resources (Below is a JSON example of a return bundle):
Search on Observation
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Searching for ObservationBelow is a list of some of the common search parameters. An exhaustive list can be found in implementation guide at http://ehealth-documentation.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/latest/ig/measurement.openapi.json.
Examples:Searching on Observations are done by use of a traditional GET request:
As an example one could perform searches like the following examples:
An example of a response on for a search could be: