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Or by authenticating using bio-metrics on a mobile device, and decrypt the Client Credentials and Refresh Token using the long secret:

Swagger open api macro
      "description":"This is the api description of the key service api.</br></br>",
      "title":"Key service API",

         "description":"Main Controller"
         "description":"Management Controller"
            "summary":"createKey - requesting a \"key\" to be generated at the server via the given secret",
                  "description":"Successfully created key(the result field should always be \"OK\")",
                  "description":"Cannot create key"
            "summary":"key - Tries to retrieve a key via the given secret",
                  "description":"Check status field for the result of the operation; if not ok ,the other fields will be excluded",
            "summary":"longKey - Tries to retrieve a key via the given long secret",
                  "description":"Check status field for the result of the operation; if not ok ,the other fields will be excluded",
            "summary":"deleteDevice - Attempts to delete the given keyId by the given CPR number as verification.",
                  "description":"look at the status field to know the result of the operation",
                  "description":"Bad / wrong / missing JWT token"
            "summary":"devices - Lists devices under the given CPR number",
                  "description":"The list will be empty if anything fails or if there are none; if there are it will contain them.",
                  "description":"Bad / wrong / missing JWT token"
               "description":"A name of the client (properly not user provided)"
               "description":"A name of the device (potentially user provided)"
               "description":"The raw user supplied secret (password / pin)"
         "description":"This is what is required to create a new key"
               "description":"The keyId of the device we are trying to delete"
         "description":"The input for trying to delete a device"
               "description":"The resulting status of the deletion.",
         "description":"The result of deleting a device (by CPR & keyId)"
               "description":"The user supplied name for the device that performed the registration"
               "description":"A device name (not user supplied)"
               "description":"an \"id\" so just a string(it is secure random)"
         "description":"A Device registered under the given cpr number"
               "description":"The devices belonging to the given CPR.",
         "description":"The result of querying for devices given a CPR number."
               "description":"The KeyId we are to lookup"
               "description":"The long secret that we want to use to authenticate via the given keyId"
         "description":"The input for when trying to authenticate via a long secret"
               "description":"The keyId we are trying to authenticate via"
               "description":"The secret related to that keyId"
         "description":"The input for trying to authenticate via a given secret (for the given keyId)"
                     "description":"The resulting status of the operation; it will never be OK",
               "description":"A failed operation."
         "description":"A failed operation."
               "description":"The user supplied name for the device that performed the registration"
               "description":"A device name (not user supplied)"
               "description":"an \"id\" so just a string(it is secure random)"
               "description":"a 128 bit AES - base64 encoded key"
               "description":"a random generated long secret, that is more secure to store on a user device."
         "description":"A create key response (success)"
         "description":"The result of an operation. Inspect the status to know how it went.\nSee either KeyIdResultSuccess (when it is successful) or KeyIdResultFailed (when it fails)"
                     "description":"The user supplied name for the device that performed the registration"
                     "description":"A device name (not user supplied)"
                     "description":"an \"id\" so just a string(it is secure random)"
                     "description":"a 128 bit AES - base64 encoded key"
                     "description":"The resulting status of the operation (will always be OK)",
               "description":"A login response"
         "description":"A login response"

Keyservice management

There are 2 types of management,
