Attribute | Description |
urn:oid: | Organization name |
dk:gov:saml:attribute:CprNumberIdentifier | Required from SEB. Civil registration number (CPR) |
dk:gov:saml:attribute:CvrNumberIdentifier | CVR number |
dk:gov:saml:attribute:RidNumberIdentifier | RID number from certificate |
dk:gov:saml:attribute:AssuranceLevel | AssuranceLevel (must be 4) |
urn:oid: | Required from SEB. Common name (full name) |
urn:liberty:disco:2006-08:DiscoveryEPR | IDCard |
dk:healthcare:saml:attribute:HasUserAuthorization | A boolean saying if the user has any healthcare authorizations |
dk:healthcare:saml:attribute:UserAuthorizations | A list of the users healthcare authorizations |
urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 | Required from SEB. The globally unique ID of the user within his/her organization. (also known as UID) |
dk:gov:saml:attribute:Privileges_intermediate | Required from SEB. A base64-encoded XML structure in OIO BPP format, listing privileges. If an employee should have any permissions, this attribute should define one or more roles in scope of an organizational unit or careteam, e.g. a SOR number, STS Organisation or careteam reference. See general structure in documentation[1]. [1] https://digst.dk/media/19020/oiosaml-basic-privilege-profile-1_1.pdf |
dk:healthcare:ehealth:saml:attribute:scopingOIOBPPContext | Optional. Can be used to limit scopes expressed in the OIO BPP structure, by adding it as a constraint in each PriviledgeGroup. Only PriviledgeGroups with the constraint matching the value of scopingOIOBPPContext will be available for the user. The use of scopingOIOBPPContext is not yet used and will be ignored. |
The attributes used are the CPR number (dk:gov:saml:attribute:CprNumberIdentifier), the UPN (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn) and UID and the OIO BPP format (dk:gov:saml:attribute:Privileges_intermediate). The CPR number is primarily used for delivering data to the centra NSP MinLog service. The UPN UID uniquely identifies the user in the eHealth Infrastructure and the OIO BPP provides the roles and careteams that are accessible to the user.