Note |
Latest profile of Task: http://ehealth-documentation.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/latest/ig/StructureDefinition-ehealth-task.html |
Tasks are currently only generated by the Processing Service, but can be stubbed concerning missing measurements for a ServiceRequest are created by the missing-measurement service. They can also be created for test purposes using the test-only-create operation:
Example endpoint to the eHealth stub:
http://vendortest2.ehealth.sundhed.dk/hapi-fhir-server/fhir/$test-only-create (POST only)
When a Task is created for resolving a missing measurement, a corresponding ClinicalImpression will not be available.
The type of Task. The example shows a "MissingMeasurementResolving" task.
See the API documentation for other Task categories.
When a Task is created by the Processing Servicemissing-measurement service, it is in status "readyrequested". When the Task is accepted by a Practitioner, it must be changed to status "accepted" (see owner)
Is set to "orderplan" from the Processing Service
The rules for the ActivityDefinition/ServiceRequest decides a priority statically, since there is no measurement to triage.
A missing weight Observation might be less important than a missing blood pressure Observation.
Is set to "routine"
The text description of what needs to be done.was expected.
"Forventede at en aktivitet var udført, men fandt ingen den %s";
"Forventede at %d aktiviteter var udført, men fandt %d den %s";
Is not present since a measurement has not been received and therefore there is no ClinicalImpressiona reference to the ServiceRequest containing the measurement regime
The resolved timing that was expected as defined by the measurement regime (occurrence) on the ServiceRequest.
The Practitioner that has accepted the Task (see status)
Task example in JSON
Code Block | |||||
| |||||
{ "resourceType": "BundleTask", "typeid": "transaction341058", "entrymeta": [ { "versionId": "1", "fullUrllastUpdated": "Task2024-02-29T14:10:14.070+00:00", "source": "#c69cbcf7-2216-92", "resourceprofile": {[ "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-task" ], "resourceTypetag": "Task",[ { "metasystem": {"http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/cs/ehealth-system", "code": "xa" } ] }, "profile"extension": [ { "url": "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-task"-resolved-timing", "extension": [ { ]"url": "serviceRequestVersionId", "valueId": "1" }, { "extensionurl": "start", [ "valueDateTime": "2024-02-29T14:00:00+00:00" { }, { "url": "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-task-categoryend", "valueDateTime": "2024-02-29T14:05:00+00:00" }, "valueCodeableConcept": { { "url": "type", "coding": [ "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { { "system": "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/cs/taskresolved-timing-categorytype", "code": "MissingMeasurementResolvingResolved", "display": "Resolved" } } ] } } ] }, { "url": "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-task-responsibleepisodeOfCare", "valueReference": { "valueReference": {"reference": "https://careplan.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/EpisodeOfCare/1676774" } }, { "referenceurl": "http://vendortest2.ehealth.sundhed.dk/organization/fhir/CareTeam/60"StructureDefinition/ehealth-task-category", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ } { } "system": "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/cs/task-category", ]"code": "MissingMeasurementResolving", "languagedisplay": "da",Need resolving of why scheduled measurement has not been submitted" "status": "ready", } ] "intent": "order", } }, { "priorityurl": "routinehttp://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition/ehealth-restriction-category", "valueCodeableConcept": { "ownercoding": [ { { "referencesystem": "http://vendortest2.ehealth.sundhed.dk/organization/fhir/Practitioner/59"cs/restriction-category", }, "code": "measurement-monitoring", "descriptiondisplay": "Der er manglende målinger i henhold til måleregimet.",Monitoring of measurement(s)" } ] "context": { } }, { "referenceurl": "http://vendortest2.ehealth.sundhed.dk/hapi-fhir-server/fhir/EpisodeOfCare/67"StructureDefinition/ehealth-task-responsible", "valueReference": { }"reference": "https://organization.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/CareTeam/1391154" } } }, ], "basedOn": [ { "requestreference": {"https://careplan.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/ServiceRequest/1676874" } ], "status": "requested", "intent": "plan", "methodpriority": "POSTroutine", "description": "Forventede at en aktivitet var udført, men fandt ingen den Thu Feb "url": "Task"29 14:10:07 UTC 2024", "focus": { "reference": "https://careplan.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/ServiceRequest/1676874" }, "for": { }"reference": "https://patient.devtest.systematic-ehealth.com/fhir/Patient/451425" }, ] "authoredOn": "2024-02-29T14:10:13+00:00" } |