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Patch management of Operating System security patches is carried out using an automatic and unattended tool. The tool is scheduled to apply patches to all servers according to the schedule below. The schedule matches the allowed service windows and repeats every month. First Saturday (at 01:00) Second Saturday (at 01:00) preprod-db01.fut.netic.dk preprod-es01.fut.netic.dk preprod-lb01.fut.netic.dk preprod-mq01.fut.netic.dk preprod-rancher01.fut.netic.dk preprod-vault01.fut.netic.dk
prod001-db01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.002) prod001-es01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.002) prod001-lb01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.002) prod001-mq01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.002)
Third Saturday (at 01:00) admin-vault01.fut.netic.dk prod-db01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) prod-es01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) gitlab01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) harbor01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) keycloak01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) prod-lb01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) prod-mq01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) prod-rancher01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) splunk01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) syslog01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003) prod-vault01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.003)
Fourth Saturday (at 01:00) keycloak02.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.004) prod-lb02.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.004) prod001-vault01.fut.netic.dk (del af FUT.PROD.004)
In order to assess whether the patches are correctly applied, please refer to the patch management tickets displayed in the column to the right. A ticket is created for every patching run and for every server. The resolution indicates whether the server has been correctly patched. It can be of two values: Patched or Failed. <div id=futplannedpm></div>
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