eHealth Infrastructure and KL Gateway Documentation Site

Welcome to eHealth Infrastructure, the Danish national infrastructure for telemedicine (eHealth)

The eHealth ecosystem enables citizens to benefit from healthcare delivery and/or social (care) delivery outside the usual settings, for instance, at home/residence. By entering a telemedicine program, a citizen can get suitable equipment and follow a tailored plan for when to perform what measurements/answering of questionnaires. By submitting these measurements, teams of providers (healthcare providers, social professionals etc.) can monitor and react when necessary.

A central part of the eHealth ecosystem is the eHealth Infrastructure, which provides services for making telemedicine plans, ordering equipment/training, submitting measurements, monitoring measurements etc.

This documentation is mostly about the eHealth Infrastructure. The documentation is structured into the following spaces:

  • Technical Space - containing descriptions of the architecture, APIs, security, testing, environments and more. This space is intended for anyone interested in the technical aspects, for instance, architects, developers, operators, and testers.

  • Operational Space - containing details on service availability, service windows and other operational aspects

  • User Space - containing user manuals for end-user applications provided as part of eHealth Infrastructure.

In addition, there is a space for the Care Gateway which makes use of the infrastructure for purposes other than telemedicine:


The following sub-pages are yet to be merged into the spaces mentioned above:


Previously available pages that have been either (partially) merged into the current structure or deemed obsolete, have been moved to the sub-page Archive.