ClinicalImpression resource example

ClinicalImpression resource example

ClinicalImpressions are created by the Processing Service automatically, when measurements (Observations or QuestionnaireResponses are submitted.

Below a JSON example is posted that can be used as a template to stub ClinicalImpression resources.

Points of Interest:


A reference to the Patient.


A reference to the Patient's EpisodeOfCare.


This holds an array of investigations that have be carried out. Code  describes the kind of investigation and the item holds references to the resources that was investigated. Currently this can be Observation resources and QuestionnaireResponse resources.

Currently. references are not implemented, so only a Code can be stubbed.


In this array the Processing service will state explicit findings from the investigations. This will be a set of Codeable concepts.

Currently. this is not implemented, so the element must be empty for now.


This represents a text explaining the overall findings

ClinicalImpression JSON example
  "resourceType": "ClinicalImpression",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "status": "completed",
  "language": "da",
  "code": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "http://ehealth.sundhed.dk/cs/clinicalimpression-codes",
        "code": "TriagingResult"
  "subject": {
    "reference": "https://vendortest2.ehealth.sundhed.dk/trifork-fhir-server/Patient/203"
  "context": {
    "reference": "https://vendortest2.ehealth.sundhed.dk/hapi-fhir-server/fhir/EpisodeOfCare/67"
          "code": {
              "coding": [
                  "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                  "code": "271336007"
              "reference": "https://vendortest2.ehealth.sundhed.dk/measurement/fhir/Observation/402"


  "finding": [

  "summary": "Patients iltmætning er indenfor de normale grænseværdier"