Adjustment and Import of Plan Templates

A clinical administrative user may need to export and import plan templates to another eHealth environment. While the user may perform this through use of the Service, Support & Logistics application, there could be need for adjustments. Hence this standard service request.

Possible adjustments could be:

Required Input from Requester

The following input is required per plan template (PlanDefinition):

Input Element (down)

Required or optional



Input Element (down)

Required or optional



PlanDefinition title (citizen directed)


Telma KOL plan 2023

This is “Borgervendt navn” (Citizen directed name) as shown for a plan template in Clinical Administrative Module (Da: Klinisk Administrativt Modul shortened KAM)

PlanDefinition employee title


Telma KOL plan 2023

This is “Medarbejdervendt navn” (Employee directed name) as shown for a plan template in KAM

PlanDefinition version



This is the business version of the plan template as shown as “Version” in KAM.

Source Environment




Destination Environment




Publisher Pairs

Optional (but required if a Questionnaire is part of PlanDefinition’s activities)

  1. (First entry of possible multiple entries)

    1. Gr2_medarbejder1 Johnson

    2. <some production name>

In the Questionnaire Editor in KAM, this is shown as “Udgiver” (Publisher) for a questionnaire.

Municipal Organization Name and Identifier Pairs

Optional (but required if municipal organizations are referred and PROD is involved as either Source or Destination Environment)

  1. (First entry of possible multiple entries)

    1. Name: “Københavns Kommune” (Copenhagen Municipality)

    2. Source Identifier: 1f14174b-b0c2-4a57-8189-19f8941a0096

    3. Destination Identifier: d2817edd-871d-4410-b88e-72bc95c91507

Source Identifier is Copenhagen Municipality’s UUID in EXTTEST.

Destination Identifier is Copenhagen Municipality’s UUID in PROD.

Request Outcome

As part of processing the request, validation of completeness of input data is performed.

Validation errors are returned in case:

  • Incomplete Publisher Pairs - At least on entry in Publisher Pairs is provided in input but exported PlanDefinition(s) and referred resources from the Source Environment contain Publisher for which no entry of pair has been provided.

  • Incomplete Municipal Organization Name and Identifier Pairs - PROD is either Source or Destination Environment and at least on entry in Municipal Organization Name and Identifier Pairs is provided in input but exported PlanDefinition(s) and referred resources from the Source Environment contain a reference to Municipal Organization for which no entry of pair has been provided.


Expected outcome is that the PlanDefinition(s) have been imported to the Destination Environment, adjusted as per input.