PlanDefinitions and CarePlans
This page is superceded by Creating Care Plans
The overview below is showing the relationship between PlanDefinition and CarePlan resources. It also shows how the underlying resources, such as ActivityDefinition and ProcedureRequest handles detailed requirements such as measurement schedules (Måleregime).
A PlanDefinition can be composed of other plans (subplans) and ActivityDefinitions.
An ActivityDefinition can specify a measurement and/or a questionnaire that defines the content of the ActivityDefinition. The ActivityDefinition can further specify a schedule (possibly recurring) and Reference ranges that defines expected results and different warning ranges.
PlanDefinitions are defined in the administrative domain and can be used as templates for CarePlans assigned to a specific patient.
A Careplan is created by calling the "apply" opertaion of a PlanDefinition. This creates a copy of the PlanDefinition template where CarePlan corresponds to PlanDefinition and ProcedureRequest corresponds to ActivityDefinition.
Schedule and reference ranges are copied from ActivityDefintions to ProcedureRequests. They can then be adjusted to the specific patient if he has needs that are not covered in the general template.
A CarePlan can be further individualized by attaching additional subplans or by marking unwanted subplans and ProcedureRequests as cancelled/completed.