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Adding an Assessment
Assessments can be made on measurements and clinical impressions through ClinicalImpression Create. As described in ClinicalImpression, it has multiple uses in the eHealth Infrastructure.
Preparing the ClinicalImpression resource, it is important to add the following to the ClinicalImpression:
which shall be set as a reference to the clinician's Practitioner
Preparing an Assessment of a Measurement
Add the following to the ClinicalImpression resource being prepared and create as described above:
which shall be set as a reference to the CarePlan that references the measurement’s ProcedureRequestinvestigation.item
which shall be set to both a versioned and versionless reference to the measurement (Observation and QuestionnaireResponse)investigation.ehealth-clinicalimpression-mediaInvestigationItem
which shall be set to both a versioned and versionless reference to the Media, when a Media is assessed
Preparing an Assessment of a Clinical Impression
Add the following to the ClinicalImpression resource being prepared and create as described above: