How do I get the list of unassigned Task resources for my CareTeam?
GET [task.base]/Task/?status=requested&reponsible=<my CareTeam reference>
How do I get the list of Task resources for my CareTeam sorted by priority and paginated?
Ordering of the Priority value is by default lexicographical in FHIR. It is possible to get a descending priority ordering by using the following two queries:
GET [task.base]/Task/?status=requested&reponsible=<my CareTeam reference>&priority=asap,stat&_sort=-status GET [task.base]/Task/?status=requested&reponsible=<my CareTeam reference>&priority=routine,urgent&_sort=-status
How do I get a list of ClinicalImpression resources referenced in Task resources for my CareTeam?
GET [task.base]/Task/?reponsible=<my CareTeam reference>&_include=Task:focus
This search gives a paginated result where the same page contains both Tasks and referenced ClinicalImpression.
The _include=Task:focus
works for resources provided on the same service as Task, currently ClinicalImpression only.
How do I get a list of ClinicalImpression resources in an EpisodeOfCare?
The solution must perform two searches to get the list of ClinicalImpression resources referencing an EpisodeOfCare.
It is not possible to do that in one search as ClinicalImpression might be scoped to CarePlan for the EpisodeOfCare that the users do not have access to, and therefore need to do the search in scope of the CarePlan(s) the user has access to for that EpisodeOfCare (See Access Control in eHealth Services).
That is:
One search for ClinicalImpression resources for the EpisodeOfCare. That returns ClinicalImpressions referring to the EpisodeOfCare (if the user's CareTeam context is in the
Another search for ClinicalImpression resources for the CarePlan for that EpisodeOfCare. The second search returns ClinicalImpressions scoped to the CarePlans (e.g. CarePlan for that EpisodeOfCare).
GET [task.base]/ClinicalImpression/?episodeOfCare=<episode of care reference(s)> GET [task.base]/ClinicalImpression/?carePlan=<careplan reference(s)>
How to get the list of Task resources related to a specific solution (eg K-PRO or TELMA)
GET [task.base]/Task?_tag=|xa
Possible tags can be found in this CodeSystem:
Details about co-existence tags can be found here: Multitenancy