Mocking Context for patient users

Mocking Context for patient users

Description of how to mock patient users.

In order to mock patient login, the AS accepts access token requests with “CPR “ as a parameter. This is enabled on a special test client with the id "patient_mock" on the “nemlogin“ realm.

Access token requests using either a refresh token or username/password are supported.

Parameter name


Parameter name



Required. The OAuth2 client id


Required. Value ‘refresh_token’ or 'password'

refresh_token (grant_type = refresh_token )

Required. The refresh token of the current session

username (grant_type = password)

Required. The username of a keycloak user.

password (grant_type = password)

Required. The password of the keycloak user.


Required. CPR number of test patient


Optional. id of EpisodeOfCare 

NOTE: When using patient_mock, keycloak will create the Patient on the patient-server, if it does not exist.

Postman collection demonstrating access token request:


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