eHealth Applications
This page briefly describes the eHealth applications part of the Infrastructure. That is, the SSL, KAM, and Terminology administration applications.
Service, Support & Logistics Application
The Service, Support & Logistics (SSL) Application is the web application where users maintain SSL Catalogues, agreements, whitelists and so forth.
Link to application:
User Documentation:
Latest released
Latest (under development)
Clinical Administration Application (Danish: KAM for Klinisk administrativ modul)
Application for
creating and maintaining care teams,
creating and maintaining questionnaires
creating and maintaining telemedicine packages, views, and action guidance.
export and import telemedicine packages
Link to application:
User Documentation:
Klinisk Administrativ Modul (KAM) - Brugerdokumentation - External documentation in Danish
Uploading and Associating a Questionnaire to an External Questionnaire Form Definition Document (QFDD)
Uploading a QFDD to the eHealth Infrastructure can be performed in the Clinical Administration Application’s Questionnaire Editor by navigating to “Administration af spørgeskemadefinitionener/QFDD'er“.
In the Questionnaire Editor, it is possible to associate a QFDD with a questionnaire.
Terminology Administration Application (Trifolia)
The Terminology Administration Application is a web application where the eHealth Infrastructure terminology is maintained. It is intended for users that have responsibility for maintaining terminology.
Link to application:
User Documentation:
latest released:
latest released:
latest (under development)
latest (under development)