eHealth Applications

eHealth Applications

This page briefly describes the eHealth applications part of the Infrastructure. That is, the SSL, KAM, and Terminology administration applications.

Service, Support & Logistics Application

The Service, Support & Logistics (SSL) Application is the web application where users maintain SSL Catalogues, agreements, whitelists and so forth.

Screenshot of SSL application

Link to application:

User Documentation:

Clinical Administration Application (Danish: KAM for Klinisk administrativ modul)

Application for

  • creating and maintaining care teams,

  • creating and maintaining questionnaires

  • creating and maintaining telemedicine packages, views, and action guidance.

  • export and import telemedicine packages

Screenshot of KAM application

Link to application:

User Documentation:

Uploading and Associating a Questionnaire to an External Questionnaire Form Definition Document (QFDD)

Uploading a QFDD to the eHealth Infrastructure can be performed in the Clinical Administration Application’s Questionnaire Editor by navigating to “Administration af spørgeskemadefinitionener/QFDD'er“.

In the Questionnaire Editor, it is possible to associate a QFDD with a questionnaire.

Terminology Administration Application (Trifolia)

The Terminology Administration Application is a web application where the eHealth Infrastructure terminology is maintained. It is intended for users that have responsibility for maintaining terminology.

Link to application:

User Documentation: