How-to between Systematic-Trifork-Netic

How-to between Systematic-Trifork-Netic

How to contact internally between Systematic-Trifork-Netic

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Handover a task between Systematic-Trifork-Netic

General conditions:

  • All observations must be recorded on the task in Cherwell/Jira.

  • A task is not handed over before it has been accepted by the recipient.

  • Task created by Trifork is created in Systematic Jira. If the task is related to an Incident or Service Request please contact Systematic Service Desk for creating af ticket in Cherwell - remember to inform Service Desk about the Jira task ID otherwise a new Jira task might be created.

  • Task created by Netic is created in Netic Jira and from there link to Cherwell through integration between Cherwell and Netic Jira.


How to start an Incident or Service Request

  • Contact Service Desk by mail or phone with a description of the problem or issue

  • Service Desk will assign the task to the right team

How to start a Major Incident

It is Service Desk that will activate Major Incident Management, so call Systematic Service Desk for escalate to Priority A or B. This will automatically start the Major Incident process.

Contact Information - eHealth Infrastructure Wiki - Confluence (atlassian.net)


How to escalate issues or topics

Please call or write to the :

Contact Information - eHealth Infrastructure Wiki - Confluence (atlassian.net)







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