Sharing through Registering Documents in National Document Sharing Infrastructure

Sharing through Registering Documents in National Document Sharing Infrastructure

Some FHIR resources in the eHealth Infrastructure are transformed to document form and registered in national document sharing infrastructure. This way, the patient and other healthcare professionals can access the health data registered through other health systems while subjected to various access controls and audit logging.

The document registering process involves:

  1. determining whether criteria for document registering are met

  2. assembly to a volatile (in-memory) FHIR Composition (as described in Query, Retrieve and Transform Documents from NSP | Preparing Transformations by Assembling Required FHIR Resources )

  3. transformation of assembled FHIR Composition to Danish profiles of Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) documents (as described in Query, Retrieve and Transform Documents from NSP | Transformation Details ) to a document

  4. extract of document metadata from the document and context

  5. registering of document and document metadata in the national document sharing infrastructure.


This description below focuses on the criteria for this registration to take place.


Prerequisites for Document Registering of Observation Resources

Prerequisites for registering a document about a FHIR Observation are all of:

Prerequisite (Logically)


Sharing is allowed for the activity.

  1. The Observation.basedOn refers a ServiceRequest with ServiceRequest.ehealth-sharingPolicy allowing document sharing and designating a national health archive as the destination.

The particular Observation is approved for document registering.

  1. A ClinicalImpression must exist with ClinicalImpression.ehealth-clinicalimpression-decision set to a Coding for approved-for-sharing

  2. The ClinicalImpression.investigation.item shall refer the Observation

The Observation has a measurement quantity/value.

Rationale: Otherwise, the Observation cannot be shared as a PHMR document.

  1. Observation.dataAbsentReason must not specify an absent data reason

Prerequisites for Document Registering of QuestionnaireResponse Resources

Prerequisites for registering a document about a FHIR QuestionnaireResponse are all of:

Prerequisite (Logically)


Sharing is allowed for the activity.

  1. The FHIR QuestionnaireResponse.basedOn refers a FHIR ServiceRequest with ServiceRequest.ehealth-sharingPolicy allowing document sharing and designating a national health archive as the destination.

The particular FHIR QuestionnaireResponse is approved for document registering.

  1. A FHIR ClinicalImpression must exist with ClinicalImpression.ehealth-clinicalimpression-decision set to a Coding for approved-for-sharing

  2. The ClinicalImpression.investigation.item shall refer the FHIR QuestionnaireResponse

The FHIR QuestionnaireResponse is a response to a FHIR Questionnaire which is marked up as corresponding to a known and generally accessible, external questionnaire represented as a Questionnaire Form Definition Document (QFDD).

Rationale: Document registering of a FHIR QuestionnaireResponse as a Questionnaire Response Document (QRD) document is of reduced value to a clinician retrieving the QRD from document sharing infrastructure if the corresponding questionnaire is not available as a QFDD.

  1. The FHIR QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire must refer a FHIR Questionnaire (or advanced Questionnaire) which has a Questionnaire.identifier specifying the document id of a QFDD document.

  2. A FHIR DocumentReference exists (in the document-transformation service) with:

    1. DocumentReference.type set to a Coding for QFDD

    2. DocumentReference.status set to current

    3. DocumentReference.masterIdentifier matches that QFDD document id

    4. (DocumentReference.content.attachment contains the QFDD XML document - this is not enforced as a prerequisite but assumed and needed)

See Managing Questionnaires

Prerequisites for Document Registering of Appointment Resources

Prerequisites for registering a document about an Appointment are all of:

Prerequisite (Logically)


The Appointment is for a single Patient type participant only

  1. Appointment.serviceType must be regular or video (corresponding to use of the profiles https://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition-ehealth-appointment.html or https://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition-ehealth-videoappointment.html , respectively)

The Appointment has legal basis for which national document sharing has been established

  1. Appointment.ehealth-legalBasis must designate the Healthcare Act

Document registering of the Appointment must not be denied

  1. Appointment.ehealth-releasableResource must be unspecified or set to true.

Any previous document registering of the Appointment must not have had its document metadata deprecated by manual procedure.

Rationale: An update to an Appointment previously registered as a document leads to a new document with document metadata that replaces the document metadata of the prior document. Manually initiated deprecation must be respected in order for document metadata not “reappearing” of what was previously asked to be removed (deprecated).

Internal bookkeeping must not reflect that manual deprecation has been completed for the Appointment.

That is, once document metadata has been manually deprecated, further updates of the Appointment resource are not reflected in new Appointment Documents being document registered for that Appointment.

Document Transformation and Registration Processing

The transformation of resources to documents and the subsequent registration to the national document sharing infrastructure is an automatic procedure split in two different processes. The initial process is event driven and is the first attempt at transforming and registering the transformed document. However, a periodic job will attempt to retry the transformation and registration of documents that failed due to either a lack of organizational identification using SOR-ID or a failed registration.

Event Triggered Transformation and Registration

The event driven process goes through the five steps outlined at the top of the page.

  1. determining whether criteria for document registering are met for the FHIR resource in question

  2. assemble to a volatile (in-memory) FHIR Composition

  3. transformation of assembled FHIR Composition to Danish profiles of Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) documents

  4. extract of document metadata from the document and context

  5. registering of document and document metadata in the national health document sharing infrastructure.

If an error occurs during the processing of a resource, the event that triggered it is rolled back. The event is then automatically retried for some time before being put aside on a dead-letter-queue (DLQ) if it keeps failing. The only two exceptions to this are:

Book-keeping of attempts is done internally in the Document-Transformation service in the form of FHIR DocumentReference resources formatted specifically to indicate how far in the process it came:

  • DocumentReference.masterIdentifier is set only when transformation is successful

  • DocumentReference.identifier is set only when registration is successful.

The following three distinct progressions in the transformation and registration process can be discerned using these elements:


Distinct Qualities

Transformation failed due to missing organizational identifier as SOR-ID


DocumentReference.content.attachment.data is not present (has no data)

No DocumentReference.masterIdentifier

No DocumentReference.identifier

Transformation successful but not registered


DocumentReference.content.attachment.data is present and has data

Has DocumentReference.masterIdentifier

No DocumentReference.identifier

Transformed and registered


(DocumentReference.content.attachment.data is expected to be purged)

Has DocumentReference.masterIdentifier

Has DocumentReference.identifier

Periodic Retry of Transformation and Registration

The periodic retry job starts by finding the DocumentReference resources for retry based on their distinct qualities (see above). Two different flows are used depending on whether the resources should retry just registration or both transformation and registration. However, the flows both start by checking that the attempt has not been superseded by another successful attempt or a newer document. If so, the DocumentReference is persisted with status=superseded and no further processing or retries will be attempted.

If only registration is retried, then there are only two primary steps.

  1. Check if the attempt has been superseded by another successful attempt or a newer document.

  2. registering of document and document metadata in the national health document sharing infrastructure.

Should the registration fail once again, an error message is persisted in the DocumentReference, but is still retried again in next period of the periodic retry job.

If both transformation and registration needs to be retried, the process is very similar to that of the event driven procedure.

  1. Check if the attempt has been superseded by a successful attempt or a newer document.

  2. Check if SOR-ID is still missing

  3. assemble to a volatile (in-memory) FHIR Composition

  4. transformation of assembled FHIR Composition to Danish profiles of Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) documents

  5. extract of document metadata from the document and context

  6. registering of document and document metadata in the national health document sharing infrastructure.

If the SOR-ID is still missing, the retry of the DocumentReference is abandoned, but is retried again the next time. However, should the transformation happen to fail due to something else, after the missing SOR-ID has been corrected, the error will be persisted in the DocumentReference resource and will not be retried again in the future, as only the SOR-ID transformation error is currently expected to be correctable (here by external correction in municipal organizational registration, see above).

Document Metadata for Document Registering

The eHealth Infrastructure prepares document metadata that adhere to:

The document metadata described here are those prepared in the IHE XDS.b DocumentEntry structure cf. XDS Metadata for Document Profile, Danish Profile, consisting of a number of attributes.

For the most part, document metadata attributes associated with a document reflects values within the document. Notably, there are the following two exceptions:

  • DocumentEntry attribute practiceSettingCode - which reflects the clinical specialty in which the document was authored. The eHealth Infrastructure uses an organisational specialty, as described below.

  • DocumentEntry attribute healthcareFacilityTypeCode - which reflects the organisational unit type

Determining the Organisational Context

The organisational context to use as source for the two document metadata attributes depends on the FHIR resource type which served as the primary driver of the document content:

  • For FHIR Observation and FHIR QuestionnaireResponse resources, the FHIR Organization is the one referenced from the ClinicalImpression.assessorOrganizationof the FHIR ClinicalImpression approving document sharing.

  • For FHIR Appointment resources, the FHIR Organization is the one referenced in Appointment.responsibleOrganization.

Determining the practiceSettingCode Attribute Value

Whether a FHIR Organization specialty is primary or regular is determined from the Organization.specialty.primaryIndicator, see https://ehealth.sundhed.dk/fhir/StructureDefinition-ehealth-organization-specialty.html .

After release 2024.4

If the FHIR Organization has SOR source (has been imported from SOR), then the first primary specialty found on that specific Organization is used, if no primary specialty is present the first regular specialty is used.

The determined specialty code is validated against the IHE XDS ValueSet DK_IHE_practiceSettingCode_VS - eHealth Infrastructure v3.3.0 . When valid, the value is used, otherwise the document registering is terminated.

Determining the healthcareFacilityTypeCode Attribute Value

The value of Organization.type is validated against the IHE XDS ValueSet DK_IHE_HealthcareFacilityTypeCode_VS - eHealth Infrastructure v3.3.0 . When valid, the value is used, otherwise the document registering is terminated.