Terminology: Synchronize terminology between environments

Terminology: Synchronize terminology between environments


It is possible to manually maintain terminology (ValueSets, CodeSystems etc.) by using the Trifolia application. It is recommended that any permanent changes are introduced and tested on a single environment (currently exttest).

As part of a new release, these changes will be merged into the ImplementationGuide (together with any new terminology introduced by new features). This merged version will then be imported to the environments when the new release is deployed.

This standard service request makes it possible to synchronize the manually changed terminology from one environment to another between releases.

Request synchronization of terminology

A synchronization can be requested by creating a service request in Cherwell with the following information

  • The source environment where the terminology should be taken from

  • The destination environment where the terminology should be imported.

Note that any manual changes on the destination environment will potentially be overwritten, so it is recommended to implement permanent manual changes on a single environment and always use that as source environment. It is possible to merge changes from multiple environments, but this is a manual process that will require more information.